Positive Changes 2012

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Positive Changes 2012

Bericht door Vrijheidszoeker » 25-11-2012 14:48

Soms moet ik echt even wat meer aandacht geven aan positieve ontwikkelingen en vond dit een goed artikel:
The Incredible Positive Changes 2012 Will Bring And How You Can Prepare And Maximise Those Benefits NOW!

Article Summary: In this article, I talk about the changes that 2012 will bring worldwide, based on esoteric information and how you can maximise your potential for change and personal growth during this time, using cutting edge techniques.

(c) Iain Balmain

There has been a lot of talk regarding 2012 and what will happen during it, ever since the 1960s.

Some people are quite worried about it, others don't have a view and a small bunch feel that major shifts will occur, or even the world as we know it, will come to an end.

My personal view about this is that there is an element of truth in all of these statements, but rather than the doom and gloom that we all fear, it will be a miraculous change in human conscious awareness. Let me explain further:

We have already started to see these shifts; indeed they have been with us for some time now and began back at the turn of the last century, in 2000. This is to do with the waves of change that have been affecting the Planet and all those beings upon it, including, of course, us. This time has been foretold long ago by the Mayans and is where their calendar comes to an end. It doesn't of course; follow that we will come to an end too!

There are many things about modern day society that need to change. These essentially centre around the following issues and many more:

1. The way we live and interact with the Planet and how we use The Earth's resources
2. Our relationship to each other and those nations we interact with
3. Our political structures
4. Our financial structures
5. The Power/Greed structures that have been implemented over many years and exploited by the few to control the masses.
6. Our removal and separation from being "at one with nature" and miss-understanding just how powerful Mother Nature is.

Increasingly, we live in the age of truth where each of these issues has come under scrutiny and exposed for either what it is or how each element has been abused etc...
The Banking crisis and the various political scams of late, are but the tip of the iceberg.

This will be a pattern that will increasingly unfold over the coming 3 years and it will become more apparent that our current structures will require extensive change in order that our civilisation as we know it will endure and prosper, but with different objectives that are not solely centred around money and financial gain.

A great many people too, will start to go through spiritual awakenings and will become slightly disturbed whilst this is happening. This pattern has already started to accelerate and will continue to do so at an exponential spread.

The effects of this will also cause unrest amongst some, as their beliefs are challenged in the light of the new day and the new world yet to emerge, with particular implications for current religious systems and structures. All of which, will need to reach a point of reconciliation at some level and is a question of flexibility being adopted amongst each religious faction.

So, you may well be asking, "What can I do now to prepare for all of this change?" A good question. As these waves of change continue to hit the planet and cause all living things here to transform, to one degree or another, a process of release will start to occur within your energetic system, whether you like it or not. Much of this will depend too on your current levels of sensitivity and energetically, the state of your system. This will mean that a lot of old issues (from childhood etc.) and in quite a few cases, Past life issues will start to be released from the Heart. Those less sensitive may well not feel these shifts till beyond 2012.

You won't necessarily know about this until these issues hit the aura, where we feel things at an emotional level. Such issues can affect the way we feel emotionally at a very deep level and have consequences to our overall levels of vibration, which is why our higher self desires to release these issues. Getting rid of these issues will enable a return to unity and also the unlocking of our full potential and creativity.

I personally have experienced a lot of this and I am doing so on a regular basis, as each wave continues to change our vibrations.

So, here is the important bit:

In order to keep up with the waves of change we are experiencing and to harmonise ourselves for 2012 and thus prepare for it, it's possible, using cutting edge techniques, to speed up the removal process of these internal issues and fears. (Some examples of this: A fear of failure, life, relationships anything you care to name.)

In order to facilitate this process, I use a special evolutionary light called The Emerald Heart. This completely unique light was born specifically to enable this process and has never been made available to humanity before now. 2012 is a bag part of why it has come about for our current time.

The process of removing these fears and reasons behind doing so is all about revealing your own inner potential and truth.

This has many benefits, as the more that is released to you about yourself; the more this will enhance your general wellbeing, creativity and identity, as well as enhancing intuition and a whole host of other benefits too long to list here.

This is particularly useful for people who have had what they perceive as ongoing problems with the way they feel and their general emotional state and ongoing situations that have had repeat patterns occurring.

The question is, "Are you ready for change" and what 2012 will bring with it? If that answer is yes, enjoy the ride and embrace change.

Don't shy away from it, as there will come a time at some point in your life, where you will need to break free from things that no longer serve you anymore. It's just a question of time.

Article Source: http://www.upublish.info
Bron: http://www.upublish.info/Article/The-In ... OW-/485910

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